Michael Lamar as Barack Obama

Michael Lamar as Barack Obama

Saturday, June 12, 2010


So far....3 days in Las Vegas, the only thing I've heard from people....all types of people is "Hey Obama, stop the Oil". It made me very uncomfortable to be out there in a suit. I quickly changed into my jeans and T-Shirt.

I agree the oil needs to be stopped, plugged...whatever. But it leads me to think, "How is this President Obamas fault?". People seem to think he should swim down there and plug it himself.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

President Obama's Inauguration Day

Michelle Obama lookalike and myself working at SunTrust banks party in D.C. (on corner of Pennsyvania Ave) the day of President Obama's Inauguration.  What a great celebration, I was honored to have the chance to be there.  On this day, we were able to actually see President Obama and First Lady Michelle as they stepped out of the Limo and walked briefy towards the White House. 

Memorial Day Weekend in D.C.

I attended the Memorial day Parade on Constitution ave., May 2010!   It was a Great parade...fortunate to be able attend.  Had lots of Fun, took many photos...met lots of people! 

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

CNN story and video

CNN's Ivan Watson's piece on my trip to Turkey.


Barack Obama Lookalike

My life since Barack Obama became our 44th President:

On August 28th, 2008 I got my very first gig. At first, things went very well. I have traveled to Paris, Italy, Turkey, The Netherlands, Amsterdam.  I have also had a chance to do gigs in Los Angeles, New York, Orlando, Phildelphia, D.C., etc.  All of this has been very rewarding!